Government Communications Office (GCO) announced today (6th of May) the reopening of Industrial Area with reorganized exit and entry, the gradual opening which started with Street One, Street Two and al-Wakalat Street, will continue with the closed part of the Industrial Area from Street One to Street 32.
The closed part of the Industrial Area will operate under new procedures that reorganize the exit and entry from Wednesday 6 May onward. These procedures will follow all precautionary measures specified by the Ministry of Public Health and take into consideration the health and safety of the residents and society, GCO said in a statement.
This decision was preceded by proactive testing in the Area, transferring over 6,500 workers to precautionary quarantine facilities, and providing free, quality healthcare inside and outside the Area to everyone infected.
It said that the reorganisation of exit and entry will result in resuming work and supply chains inside and outside the Area to normal, while making sure that the community is not at risk of infections.
These procedures will allow the following groups to enter and exit the Area:
Employers, employees who work in the Area but live outside
Residents who live in the Area but work outside.
Companies operating in the Area will be allowed to transport materials and equipment by submitting an application to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs in advance.
The statement clarifies, “Employers will be required to make sure that all workers download the Ehteraz application and provide all that is necessary for the application to work effectively, as exit from and entry to the Industrial Area will be conditional on downloading the application and the above-mentioned permit. Inspections will be intensified to make sure all laws and procedures are implemented, such as providing adequate accommodation, reduction of buses to half capacity, providing sanitisers and masks, and making sure all workers are using them properly as per the instructions of the Ministry of Public Health”.
Picture credit: Ashghal